Putting Atomic Design to Work

About the Presentation

I partnered with Donald St. Marten for this talk with practical lessons-learned while building atomic design pattern libraries.

When we teamed up to plan this presentation, hype for pattern libraries had been building for a while. Everyone was either building one, or planning to build one. Donald and I had both built several libraries, and we wanted to share how the atomic design philosophy held up to real world projects.

In this developer-oriented talk, we shared how we used atomic design to prototype quickly, grow collaboration on our teams, and build stronger, better, well-documented sites.


  • HighEdWeb 2018 - Sacramento, CA
  • OmniUpdate Webinar


  • Donald St. Martin, Texas A&M University

Webinar Version

After Donald and I gave our original presentation at HighEdWeb 2018, I did an abridged version of the talk as a webinar for OmniUpdate, which you can watch on YouTube or download a copy.

Slides from the full presentation will be posted soon.